Spooky Science: STEM Activity for Halloween
You might be thinking that science isn’t scary, but if you add a pumpkin and some gooey substances, things can get frightening! You’ll only need 4 ingredients to accomplish a pumpkin eruption: Baking soda, Water, Vinegar, and Dish Soap. After carving a scary face into your pumpkin, fill the bottom with about 2/3 to 3/4 cup of water, 5 teaspoons of baking soda, a generous squeeze of dish soap, and a few drops of food coloring for some extra fun! Lastly, pour 1 cup of white vinegar into the mixture in the pumpkin, then watch as it starts to drip with horror!
Science Spoiler Alert: The two reactants in this case are baking soda and vinegar. The two reactants combine and one of the results is carbon dioxide. This gas is what generates the bubbles that spill out. Dish detergent helps to retain the carbon dioxide, leading to larger and larger bubbles!
To learn more about this eruption and about the other ways you can have the spookiest pumpkin, check out the link below!