One Woman, 1600 Wikipedia Pages for Unknown Women Scientists
Jessica Wade, a 33-year-old, London-based physicist, received a recent invitation to Buckingham Palace to accept the British Empire Medal for her contributions to science. In addition to her incredibly personal push to encourage more girls to study and engage in STEM, Wade has produced more than 1,600 Wikipedia entries for long-overlooked female scientists. Wade has persisted in advocating for gender equality in science and has earned numerous prizes. Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, has even cited Wade!
“I started to write the biographies of these people who have been forgotten from the stories of science so that they’re preserved on this phenomenal online resource. Wikipedia is a really great way to engage people in this mission because the more you read about these sensational women, the more you get so motivated and inspired by their personal stories” – Jess Wade
To learn more about Jessica’s journey toward gender equality in STEM, check out the link below!
Photo Attribution: Dave Guttridge